Marshall Automotive Group

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS Schedule Service

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS

Marshall Motor Company is a dealership near McPherson that has expert Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair when you need it most. Our ASE-certified auto mechanics are with customers through thick and thin. When your vehicle is healthy, we strive to keep it that way with regular oil changes, fluid checks, and inspections. When your vehicle is under the weather, we provide computer diagnostics, hands-on inspections, and Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson. Over the years, we get to know your vehicle, the way it drives, and its most important components. During regular maintenance, we see your vehicle time and again and begin to develop a working knowledge of the way it's aging. Marshall Motor Company is there for you.

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS - 2021 Ram ProMaster

Detecting Problems

Both customers and our certified auto mechanics work together to detect problems in a vehicle before they become out of hand and expensive to repair. Customers can help keep up with regular maintenance by stopping by when we send helpful service interval reminders. During regular maintenance, our auto care personnel will be hands-on with the vehicle and able to check fluids, vital components, and belts/hoses. Visually, an inspection often picks up problems before they're a real problem. For example, a worn timing belt or spark plugs might be visible to us from the outset of a maintenance routine. We'll always let you know if we detect problems in your vehicle.

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS - 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Signs of Auto Trouble

The average driver is usually the first person to know that a vehicle is "acting up." This could include noticing a change in the way the vehicle brakes, accelerates, or take sharp curves. If the damage is cosmetic - such as with cracks in auto glass or scrapes to the vehicle's paint - a driver is most definitely the first person to notice this and bring a model in for Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair. Other problems might be more mysterious, such as when a Check Engine light comes on in your dash control panel. We urge all customers near McPherson to never ignore a subtle change in driving behavior or a Check Engine Light. Many people put off bringing a model in for diagnostics, mistakenly believing that every Check Engine Light is a glitch or false code. In reality, most of the time your Check Engine Light really knows what it's talking about and that there might be a major problem in the vehicle. Customers might not notice a change in driving performance, but they might notice a strange sound or smell emitting from the vehicle during operation. Worn brake pads and rotors can especially cause a very high-pitched noise during braking, while engine troubles often create a whirring noise. Our Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson is here to help you when these things happen.

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS - 2021 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid

Why Choose Us For Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Repair

Our team is known throughout this area as a team you can trust with repair. However, we're obviously not the only trustworthy team in town. Trust is most important, but it's not the only thing that customers demand from a repair shop. With repair and maintenance, there must be several factors at play before knowing that you've got the right place for you. Prompt Attention: Car issues aren't something that people can ignore or put off. It's important that you work with a team that responds to you immediately. While no shop can guarantee immediate repair of your major issue, they can at least show you attention from the beginning and let you know that they appreciate your business and care about your car problems. That's what we do. We respond promptly to customers who need us.

Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram repair near McPherson KS - 2021 Dodge Durango

Equipment and Diagnostics: A mechanic is only as good as the equipment they have to work with. Knowing what a problem is never helps unless there's proper equipment. And mechanics must have strict diagnostic procedures to pinpoint problems and be able to get to the repair stage in the first place. Our equipment is state-inspected and highly respected in the industry. If it helps to fix your vehicle, our mechanics have access to it. Friendliness: A friendly mechanic can be a bad mechanic, but no unfriendly mechanic can be a good mechanic (at least by our standards). Our customers deserve to feel heard and cared for. We hire personable mechanics who also have the state of the art training and knowledge they need to do great work.

Request More Information

We invite everyone in the area to give us a call the next time you need maintenance or repair work. We're on-call and ready to go to work for you. For those who prefer online interactions, you can reach us by web form or email.

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